AIE News

AIE Students Win Best Animated Short Film at Seattle Film Festival

A team of students from the Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) has taken home the prestigious Best Animated Short Film award at the Seattle Film Festival for their film, Spare Parts. The team, known collectively as Bonque Studios, was comprised of students from the animation and visual effects for film class of 2023. Spare Parts…

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AIE Secures $750k for Virtual Production Filmmaking from Louisiana’s Entertainment Development Fund

AIE Lafayette, a non-profit specialist educator for film, games and visual effects, with support from the Louisiana Entertainment Development Fund, will develop a filmmaking program which incorporates the latest in virtual production technology and create a virtual production studio for use by students and industry.   The Louisiana Entertainment Development Fund has awarded AIE Lafayette $750,000…

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Accelerate your career in Game Art with our Spring Intake!

Want to fast-track your career in Game Art and Animation? The Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) is thrilled to announce a new Spring 2024 intake for its highly acclaimed Game Art and Animation program. What sets this intake apart? It’s online, it’s accelerated, and it’s designed for passionate individuals ready to learn the practical skills…

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AIE Alumni Industry Insight: Tina Tsou

After being a graphic designer for several years, Tina Tsou had a change of heart and decided that she really wanted to work in the film industry. To shift her path into animation from graphic design, she attended the Academy of Interactive Entertainment to achieve her industry dreams, and graduated from the 3D Animation &…

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AIE Alumni Andy Burt | AIE

AIE Alumni Spotlight: Andy Burt

Andy Burt was honored as a Valedictorian for the graduating 3D Animation & VFX for Film class of 2019. Valedictorians are recognized for their dedication to one’s study, and you can always count on their eagerness to exceed the status quo. They lead by example, and as a result, they prove themselves to be exemplary…

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What Are the Most Sought-After Skills in the VFX Industry

The VFX (visual effects) industry looks for more than an animation education and a decent portfolio. Technical skills learned at school must be added to softer, business-world skills and then combined into a stellar application, portfolio and that showcases individual creativity. We’re going to look at what some of those technical skills are, but before…

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A Tour Inside Valve Headquarters

Our students had the opportunity to get an inside look at the legendary Valve Corp Headquarters, the studio that has brought us the Half-Life series, and the distribution platform, Steam. Kelly Cline and Mike Belzer, who were our guides for our group throughout the tour, showed Valve’s state of the art motion-capture room, sound design…

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Behind the Scenes VFX Film Shoot 04 | AIE

AIE Behind the Scenes: VFX Film Shoot

Film day for the VFX crew was set at the Book-It Repertory Theatre. From 7am to 5pm, the 3D Animation & VFX for Film crew was busy on set! Lighting equipment, dolly and camera equipment was provided by David Burns, a Seattle director of photography and long-time co-worker of Vic Bonilla, 3D Animation & VFX…

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Jobs for Creative Introverts

A lot of people consider jobs for introverts to be ironic, but it’s more of a stigma than most people realize. At the Academy of Interactive Entertainment, an overwhelming majority of our students and those interested in studying on our campus, consider themselves to be introverts. Our staff and instructors understand and recognize that both…

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Game Art & Animation 1st Year Assessment: Character Pipeline

Erika Amos (Game Art & Animation) Kylie Walker (Game Art & Animation) The Game Art & Animation students are now is their team assessment, which features a Good vs Evil Character Pipeline. In this creative battle, students are split into team formation to produce a group of models that are ready for production, complete with…

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On Short Film Score Arrangement - Academy of Interactive Entertainment

Cacophony and Ink: VFX Final Film Score Arrangement

“There’s a witch that has this magical ink. She brings things to life out of the canvas, then she leaves, then the apprentice comes out. He tries to do it himself, but it’s just cacophony and ink.” – Alyssa Sperling (2nd Year VFX) Video game and film composer, Douglas Yassen (Iron Heart Music Studios) visited…

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VFX Alumna Recruited by The Love Foundation - Academy of Interactive Entertainment

VFX Alumna Recruited by The Love Foundation

3D Animation & VFX for Film alumna Tyler “Dione” Arnold was recently recruited by The Love Foundation, a philanthropic arm of the nation of Belize’s privately-owned multimedia company. The Love Foundation also advises and administrates donor and charitable funds. They have successfully donated over $2 million in promotions to non-governmental organizations, helping them achieve their…

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Big Fish Games 16 | AIE Seattle

Big Fish Games at AIE

The art team at prestigious mobile studio, Big Fish Games, visited our Seattle campus today. The veteran artists reviewed portfolios of our students specializing in several forms of art and animation. “You all are doing a 2-year program? That’s awesome – I did exactly that too, years ago.” – John Nangle (3D Modeling, Unity, Game…

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5 Things Every Game Developer Needs to Know 04 | AIE Seattle

5 Things Every Game Developer Needs to Know

Turning something that was once just your hobby into your day-to-day job no longer allows that thing to be your hobby. My advice? Get away from the screen and go outside! We’re lucky to live in a place like Seattle where there are tons of parks nearby. As a daily ritual, we all take a…

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Collidalot Launches on Switch 02 | AIE Seattle

AIE Alumni Launches Collidalot on Nintendo Switch

From college project, to launching on Nintendo Switch. We are immensely proud of our AIE Alumni Andrew Ward (Game Programming), Connor Adam (Game Programming), Matthew VanCompernolle (Game Programming) and Tim Tsai (Game Art & Animation) for launching their debut game on Nintendo Switch! All second-year students from all programs form into groups to create their major…

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Tips from Our Alumni

If you plan on starting your educational journey at AIE in 2019/2020, here are some awesome tips from our alumni. Leadership and being a team player are not mutually exclusive “What I have discovered that gives you an edge in this industry, is learning the pipeline and how your role affects other team members. If…

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