AIE is the world's first non-profit specialist games and visual effects educator. We invest in our students, grow the industry and support graduate career opportunities.

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We are industry

AIE was created by a game studio 24 years ago. Those industry links, the focus on industry-relevant skills and giving students strong practical skills to succeed is stronger than ever. That's why our graduates are working in the top studios around the world.

We are specialists

We're the experts in three key areas: 3D animation, games and visual effects. We established the first programs in these areas and continue to lead the world and have the awards to prove it. AIE are specialists in games and VFX education.

Recruiting And Networking Mixer | AIE Seattle

We are hands-on

Practical skills in animation, design and visual effects beat theory every time. AIE graduates are able to show employers they have amazing hands-on skills through the creation of industry-standard projects to succeed in industry.

Graduate Destinations

Industry Experts

Graduate Success

Casey Thomas

Dark Shadow Studios

I will never forget the amazing time and valuable experience AIE have given me, they really helped me shine to be more than who I thought I was, I am now a Game Designer creating fun innovating games for the future generations

Zelda Poster | AIE Graduate Success

Damien Lam

Scanline VFX (Oscar winning VFX studio)

AIE gave me the opportunities to learn industry relevant skills that made it possible for me to get a job in the industry. The teachers were fantastic and incredibly motivated.

Kellie Lautier

SMG studio (indie game studio & creators of death squared)

AIE was the best choice I made when deciding my career path, the course structure and the connections I made there is what put me in the position for most of the jobs I've gotten.The teachers go above and beyond for their students!

Josh Van Zuylen

Cloud Imperium Games (Creators of Star Citizen)

What I enjoyed about AIE the most was being taught by people that actually have industry experience. My teachers at AIE really helped me figure out the necessary paths and helped me be the best that I could be when I graduated.

Beverly Crock

Funko Inc (creators of funko pops)

AIE provided me with the building blocks to take my art career to the next level. I learned about the industry, made connections, mentors and friends, asked questions, and viewed my work as an evolution rather than a destination.

Ben Davis

Splash Damage

AIE gave me the specific tools to learn what I needed to know to get into the games industry. AIE taught me a valuable skillset which I have been able to apply to my career.

Vinessa Mayer


AIE has proved to be an invaluable catalyst for my career. The industry veteran teachers and staff went above and beyond. I would not be anywhere near where I am if it wasn't for my AIE family.

Tom Johnstone

League of Geeks

Game development for many graduates is just a dream. The AIE provided me with the skills and knowledge to realise that dream. With such close ties to industry, AIE is a foot in the door to network directly with game companies to help land that elusive job.